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For the wide range of STÜKEN parts various methods are used side by side or in combination: deep drawing, stamping and bending metal, the parts are then cleaned, polished and refined in subsequent processes. The cleanroom production, the assembly of components and different test method...
For the wide range of STÜKEN parts various methods are used side by side or in combination: deep drawing, stamping and bending metal, the parts are then cleaned, polished and refined in subsequent processes.
The cleanroom production, the assembly of components and different test methods are also everyday business during production. The following pages provide you with a short overview of all our proceedings.
If you are interested in our products and want to personally get an idea of our company we invite you to our headquarters in Rinteln. There you do not only get to know our production area but...
Stueken LLC
T: 864-862-0613
F: 864-862-0614
137 Southchase Blvd.
Fountain Inn, SC
United States
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Stueken LLC
T: 864-862-0613
F: 864-862-0614
137 Southchase Blvd.
Fountain Inn, SC
United States
View map