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Special Coatings GmbH & Co. KG looks back on 20 years of company history. It all started with the development and distribution of customer-specific, water- and solvent-based coating systems. Since the introduction of our innovative SC-Coater® drum coating machine in the year 2005, Special Coat...
Special Coatings GmbH & Co. KG looks back on 20 years of company history. It all started with the development and distribution of customer-specific, water- and solvent-based coating systems. Since the introduction of our innovative SC-Coater® drum coating machine in the year 2005, Special Coatings enjoys an outstanding reputation on the world market as an experienced system supplier for drum coating equipment as well as service provider for high-quality decorative and functional coating of mass-produced small parts. The SC-Coater® developed by us is a drum coating machine that sets new standards in combination with a patented special infrared-drying process. With th...
Special Coatings USA, LLC.
9241 Brookwood Ct
Bonita Springs, FL
United States
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Special Coatings USA, LLC.
9241 Brookwood Ct
Bonita Springs, FL
United States
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