ProductivityOpen Arduino-compatible Controller from AutomationDirect
The open-source Productivity®Open platform provides all the great features of a standard Arduino plus the added power and reliability of an industrial controller.
The processor circuit of the P1AM-100 Arduino-compatible CPU is designed to mimic the Arduino MKRZero microcontroller. The P1AM-100 is compatible with most available Arduino MKR format shields, and/or the industrially-hardened ProductivityOpen shields, and can utilize most Arduino sketch programs...
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The processor circuit of the P1AM-100 Arduino-compatible CPU is designed to mimic the Arduino MKRZero microcontroller. The P1AM-100 is compatible with most available Arduino MKR format shields, and/or the industrially-hardened ProductivityOpen shields, and can utilize most Arduino sketch programs found on open-source websites.
Using the readily-available Arduino integrated development environment (IDE), the P1AM-100 is programmed using C++ code; the ProductivityBlocks graphical programming interface uses a more visual approach that simplifies coding and reduces syntax errors.
The P1AM-100 CPU supports the full suite of Productivity1000 I/O expansion modules, including: discrete, analog, temperature, relay, high-speed input, pulse-width-modulation. The industrial-grade P1AM-100 Arduino-compatible CPU is $49.00.
Priced from $32.00, available ProductivityOpen UL-certified shields include the P1AM-ETH Ethernet shield and the P1AM-GPIO general purpose I/O shield. The P1AM-PROTO shield is also available for creating customized shields in the MKR form factor.
The Arduino-compatible ProductivityOpen Controller from AutomationDirect is cULus listed, CE approved and backed by a two-year warranty.
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Published by AutomationDirect on Feb 03, 2020
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