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NuScale Power Company Profile


NuScale’s was conceived in the early 2000’s by NuScale co-founder Dr. Jose Reyes after completing tests for the Westinghouse AP600 and AP1000 nuclear plants in support of their design certification. Dr. Reyes believed that he could eliminate many of the complex systems found in conventi...

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NuScale’s was conceived in the early 2000’s by NuScale co-founder Dr. Jose Reyes after completing tests for the Westinghouse AP600 and AP1000 nuclear plants in support of their design certification. Dr. Reyes believed that he could eliminate many of the complex systems found in conventional PWRs while simultaneously improving safety and reducing the cost of construction, operation, and decommissioning. The U.S. Department of Energy provided initial funding for the development of this concept. Over a decade later, NuScale has advanced Dr. Reyes' ideas to the point where a one-third scale test facility has operated since 2003, proving the technical viability...

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NuScale Power

T: 503-715-2222
F: 503-746-6041

6650 SW Redwood Lane
Suite 210
Portland, OR
United States
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NuScale Power

T: 503-715-2222
F: 503-746-6041

6650 SW Redwood Lane
Suite 210
Portland, OR
United States
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