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Laserage Technology Corp. partners with medical OEMs by providing extensive precision laser machining, cutting, drilling, and welding of many medically approved materials, including in-stock flat and tubular Nitinol. Applications include components for implantable devices, stents, medical instrum...
Laserage Technology Corp. partners with medical OEMs by providing extensive precision laser machining, cutting, drilling, and welding of many medically approved materials, including in-stock flat and tubular Nitinol. Applications include components for implantable devices, stents, medical instruments, surgical implements, and delivery systems. Finishing operations are also available. New capabilities include cleanroom assembly. Visit the company's Web site for more information.
Laserage Technology Corp.
T: 847-249-5900
F: 847-336-1103
3021 N. Delany Road
Waukegan, IL
United States
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Laserage Technology Corp.
T: 847-249-5900
F: 847-336-1103
3021 N. Delany Road
Waukegan, IL
United States
View map