Investments Place Littlestar Plastics at Top of Industry for Molding Capabilities
Littlestar Plastics of Machesney Park, Illinois, added three servo-controlled hydraulic presses that gives the company the capability to mold high-end polymers such as Torlon and PEEK compounds in shapes up to two pounds. It is now one of the rare companies in the world that can mold pieces up to that size.

Littlestar Plastics, which just completed its 25th year in business, spent its silver anniversary year investing to make itself one of the world’s most capable injection molders in the world.
Littlestar added three molding presses that allows Littlestar to mold high-end polymers such as Torlon and Polyketone compounds in large shapes up to two pounds. The servo-controlled hydraulic presses were brought in specifically to support a new program for a Littlestar aerospace customer. This program will only require about two percent of the capacity of the new molding machines, meaning Littlestar can work with companies to find solutions for parts twice the size it could before. More and more manufacturers are switching from metal components to high end polymers, which offer unique properties which solve engineering challenges also affording part consolidation, weight reduction.
Founded in 1991 by Phil Preston, Littlestar is the rare plastics company that can both design and manufacture components, parts or assemblies and create through fabrication, machining or injection molding. The company has grown by fixing issues other companies wouldn’t attempt on timelines most companies can’t meet.
Littlestar works with companies in industries ranging from automotive and medical to fuel cells, but its major work is done in the exacting aerospace and food service fields. Littlestar components now are found on every airplane built in the western hemisphere and on every fast-food ice cream machine. Based in Machesney Park, Littlestar is both ISO9001 and AS9100 certified.
Littlestar Plastics: Discover What’s Possible With Plastics
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Alex Gary at 815-516-0500 or email at [email protected].
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Published by Littlestar Plastics on Apr 07, 2017
Littlestar Plastics
T: 815-636-8600
F: 815-636-8679
1189 Anvil Drive
Machesney Park, IL
United States
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