Glenro, Inc. Company Profile
Glenro engineers are trained and experienced to work closely with customers. Our engineers enjoy working through the process development phase of a project, examining, qualifying and defining meaningful performance criteria. Then, in conjunction with our customers, build sound technical and econo...
Glenro engineers are trained and experienced to work closely with customers. Our engineers enjoy working through the process development phase of a project, examining, qualifying and defining meaningful performance criteria. Then, in conjunction with our customers, build sound technical and economical solutions for the desired application that are guaranteed to perform.
Our decades of process experience, sensible engineering judgments and relentless commitment to succeed positions our customers to discover Proven Solutions® for their application. Glenro's capabilities include all three modes of heat transfer; radiant, convection and conduction, thus, we are not limited in our approach to solving our customers heat...
Glenro, Inc.
T 1-888-GLENRO1 (888-453-6761)
F: 973-279-9103
39 McBride Avenue Extension
Paterson, NJ
United States
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Glenro, Inc.
T 1-888-GLENRO1 (888-453-6761)
F: 973-279-9103
39 McBride Avenue Extension
Paterson, NJ
United States
View map