Fraunhofer CMI Developed Artificial Hand for Minimally Invasive Surgery

Published by Fraunhofer USA on May 18, 2015
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Over the past several decades, minimally invasive surgery has become more prevalent because it does not require major incisions to the patient, allows for quicker healing, reduces post-operative pain, and may reduce wound complications. However, in comparison to open surgery, existing laparoscop...
Over the past several decades, minimally invasive surgery has become more prevalent because it does not require major incisions to the patient, allows for quicker healing, reduces post-operative pain, and may reduce wound complications. However, in comparison to open surgery, existing laparoscopic tools still limit the surgeons dexterity significantly. In contrast, during open surgery or hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon has the ability to easily grasp, retract, and manipulate organs as necessary. Typically, the surgeons non-dominant hand is used mainly to retract, palpate, and expose tissue, while the dominant hand manipulates instruments to conduct surgical dissection.
Published by Fraunhofer USA on May 18, 2015
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