ACE Controls Inc. is part of Stabilus Group

ACE Controls Inc. to strengthen industrial branch of Stabilus S.A


ACE Controls Inc. will strengthen the industrial branch of Stabilus S.A. The specialist for products and solutions in the fields of deceleration and vibration technology transitions from SKF Group on June 30, 2016. ACE will then be a part of the Stabilus Gro...

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ACE Controls Inc. will strengthen the industrial branch of Stabilus S.A. The specialist for products and solutions in the fields of deceleration and vibration technology transitions from SKF Group on June 30, 2016. ACE will then be a part of the Stabilus Group. ACE acquisition by Stabilus, the globally active automotive and industrial supplier headquartered in Koblenz, Germany, expands its product portfolio and opens up new customer groups. The SDAX-listed company aims to reinforce its position as a global provider of solutions for motion control and damping. Together with ACE, the world market leader in gas struts and hydraulic vibration dampers aspires to be a leading system provider in all areas in which motions of machine and device components are to be initiated, controlled and dampened. The brand ACE will continue to distinguish itself by its well-known strengths in engineering, service and delivery as well as by its strong customer focus.

ACE Controls Inc. sees promising options for the future by joining Stabilus Group. Particularly in the areas of development and production, the company recognizes potential to enhance the industry standards that ACE has set in industrial damping technology for decades. All participants have high expectation for the future under the umbrella of Stabilus since the company has perfect knowledge of the business and technology environment of ACE. At the same time, ACE's very customer oriented operating specialists will be able to continue their successful work by flexibly responding to the needs and requirements of their partners. Against this background, ACE expects further expansion of technology leadership and innovative strength in important areas such as industrial motion control as well as damping and vibration control technology. It is, moreover, the global presence of Stabilus S.A., which furthers ACE's expectations to be able to achieve their goals even faster, particularly in regions of growth and development such as Asia.

About Stabilus
As a globally active automotive and industrial supplier, Stabilus develops and produces electromechanical drives (POWERISE) as well as gas springs and hydraulic dampers. Employing approximately 4,400 people worldwide in 2015, the company has its operational headquarters in Koblenz. In the fiscal year 2015, Stabilus generated revenue of around EUR 611 million. Stabilus operates eleven production plants across nine countries and distributes its products in over 50 countries in Europe, North, Central and South America and Asia Pacific via its regional offices and sales partners. Stabilus has been listed in the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since May 2014 and was taken up in the SDAX index in September 2014.

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Published by Ace Controls on Jul 13, 2016

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