12 Composites Innovators to receive a JEC Innovation Award in Seoul next November 15, 2018
The ceremony will take place on the international composites event, JEC Asia, November 14-16, 2018 – COEX Center, Seoul, South Korea
Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new chal...
Twelve companies from eight different countries will receive a JEC Innovation Award at JEC Asia 2018. Asia-Pacific is an innovative region that sets the tone for all other regions of the globe. Once again, the JEC Innovation Awards highlight how composites bring solutions considering the new challenges in terms of efficiency, sustainability and life-cycle analysis.
This year, JEC Group awards innovations in the following categories: aerospace (structural and tooling), automotive, commercial vehicles, e-mobility, marine, railway, sports & leisure, infrastructure & civil engineering, industrial equipment, sustainability and additive manufacturing.
The ceremony will take place on Thursday November 15, 2018 at the COEX Center of Seoul (South Korea). Ida DAUSSY (Seo Hye-na), will host the ceremony in front of officials, manufacturers, scientists and composites professionals.
The JEC innovation Awards are sponsored by
AEROSPACE - STRUCTURAL - CSIR National Aerospace Laboratories (India)
Innovative skin-ribs cocured engine bay door
AEROSPACE - TOOLING - Ascent Aerospace - Coast Composites (USA)
HyVarC® Hybrid Invar / Composite Layup Molds
AUTOMOTIVE - Action Composites (China)
Mass production CFRP Stabilizers and Droplinks
COMMERCIAL VEHICLES - Kolon Industries (South Korea)
Smart Hybrid Composite Leaf Spring for Vehicles
E-MOBILITY - Daimler AG (Germany)
Vehicle Integrated Inductive Charging
MARINE - Loiretech (France)
FABHELI : Composite Propeller
RAILWAY - Saertex GmbH & Co (Germany)
Breakthrough in railways: the renovation of the ICE
PORTS & LEISURE - DYETEC Institute (Korea Dyeing and Finishing Technology Institute) (South Korea)
Innovative CFRP manufacturing method for lightweight and high stiffness drone structures using graphene oxide (GO)
INFRASTRUCTURE & CIVIL ENGINEERING - Centre for Future Materials (Australia)
Easy fit and self-locking composite jacket
INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT - Composite Technology Center Stade - An Airbus Company (Germany)
High-Performance Lightweight Robot Gripper System
SUSTAINABILITY - Premium Aerotec GmbH (Germany)
Recycling AFP residual tape with Patch Placement
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING - e-Xstream Engineering (Luxembourg)
Digimat for Additive Manufacturing
Published by JEC Group on Oct 23, 2018
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